The Library

Photo by Monika...
Photo by The Museum...
Photo by The Museum...
Photo by The Museum...
Photo by Monika...

The Library originally was to be the painintgs gallery. The room is filled with 13 mahogany cabinets from before 1817—probably a local product based on the design of Jacob. Over the fireplace there is a great portrait of the founder of the palace in Nieborów—Cardinal Michał Stefan Radziejowski. Over the cabinets the gallery of European monarchs from the 18th century: the portrait of young Louis XV, the king of Prussia Frederick William II, the king of Spain Charles III, elector of Saxony and the king of Poland August II Sas, the king of England George III, the king of Sweden Gustav III, the tsar of Russia Paul I, tsarina Catharine II, Stanisław August Poniatowski, the pope Pious VI, the king of Sardinia Viktor Amadeus II, the Emperor of Austria Josef II, King of Prussia Frederick II. Venetian globes by Vincenzo Coronelliego created between 1683 and 1693. From the balcony on the first floor there is a beautiful view over the courtyard and blossoming azaleas in the spring.